Anchor Light



Anchor Light


What can I say about the way life plays, it dances to its own crazy tune

scattering memories like swatches of color on rainy afternoons

time passes to fast, from first to last, the end it comes too soon

so live a lifetime of memories with me, break free of that cocoon…


I’ll show you where the echoes hide, where dreams are born in flight

and take you to the sunsets rim so you can greet the night…

… I’ll be your guide, if you need one, your shoulder and anchor light

if you’ll just for a moment follow me

and taste in my delights…



It doesn’t matter if there’s been regret, I choose to forget and get

along with life ‘cos in the end … who knows how much time is left

or how much we get, to get on with living this dream…

so forget all those worries that harass and complain

put away the fear and grief and put away the pain, let’s run through April showers in June

and dance across the moon…

‘cos for one crowded hour, you are the only one in the room


Have you ever seen the stars so bright they surely ignite

romance in Cupid’s wings, or ever heard the spoken word

the way  Delilah sings?

I’d hold your dreams in my honest grasp and tend them by the hour

if you’ll but dance a dance with me in scented April showers…

…  I have a thing for simple things, coffee on mornings where the whip-bird sings

hands that like to hold to hands, and laughter that travels across wild lands

to find that place where echoes hide and dreams are born in flight…



put away the fear and grief and put away the pain, let’s run through April showers

in June

and dance across the moon…

‘cos for one crowded hour, an hour in each  day… you’re the only one in the room.


Poetry & Art – SharonleeGoodhand©29-May-14




Inspired by-

One crowded Hour

But for one crowded hour, you were the only one in the room
augie march.




14 thoughts on “Anchor Light

  1. i like the being willing to set aside all else to have that one crowded hours of only them being in the room…ha there is a cool contrast in that…and its a love filled voice that this is written with

    • Smiling here… the soul loves and loves flows into poetry… but as a woman love has not entered my life in many many years. Nice to know I haven’t lost touch with the essence of love.

      Thank you Brian.

  2. As someone who loves to have a prompt to write to, be it a single word, or a phrase, I really appreciate this. What a beautiful prompt you used, and did an honour to. I really loved this. “Stars ignite romance on Cupids wings’ – wow, fantastic. So many lovely images in this – thank you. – Vivienne, of OneVoicePoetry.

    • Hello vivchook … I to love a good prompts challenge and when I find myself uninspired I randomly choose my own prompts Chuckling.
      Thank you so much for visiting and lingering with my thoughts..

  3. Beautiful writing. I definitely agree with the idea of living beyond regret and getting on with life, as we really don’t know how many hours or days we have left. We have to dance through each day we have. I enjoyed the message in your poem.

  4. Better to have regrets that not to have lived I think.
    “I have a thing for simple things, coffee on mornings where the whip-bird sings / hands that like to hold to hands, and laughter that travels across wild lands / to find that place where echoes hide and dreams are born in flight…” – these are just beautiful lines.

  5. i have a thing for simple things as well cause those are the ones that give real pleasure and comfort…and oh i enjoy a nice warm summer rain anytime…smiles

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