It’s Ok

Image Creation- Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

We all start out small, and that’s ok, life is kinda long… it takes a bit of learning to get it right… part of that learning comes from the freedom to be a child while we still  are children… to believe, without doubt that we can climb to all heights…

Sometimes we just have to do things, to see if we can do them…
even if the task at hand is too big we won’t know unless we try
we may fail, but at least we tried…

Some things in life may shock us and that’s ok too, its healthy to understand all aspects of this world…
some days will be grumpy days… just because they are
and there will be days we hide behind a mask
to cover our true feelings, simply because it’s easier;
And some days will be a real pain, but that’s ok
those days all help us appreciate the good….

it’s a big world out there, too big to comprehend sometimes
it’s ok to feel a little daunted by it all…
the day will come when everything falls into place
and you’ll think to yourself oh wow
I get it now…

But before we can reach that point, we need to discover
who we are… and spend some time walking life’s pathways alone….
so we learn to understand our self first
and then walking with friends…
its ok to just hang around by yourself for a while;

There will be times when we just have to get our point across…
and times when silence is welcomed…
… and it’s a good practise to enjoy moments of sunshine…
as well as those times rain falls beyond the window…

Our path may take us to places not to our liking but its important
to experience these places… important to broaden our horizons….
as tranquil as our own window might be there really is a lot to see…
the diversity of this earth should be experienced….

now, life can get stressful, so its ok to feel the pressure
that often fills each day…. and say to hell with it all
I’ve had enough for one day…. and order pizza….

wild & crazy adventures make great memories
even if its only a day tip… and it’s probably wise to expect
breakdowns and delays, detours and obstacles….
but have the courage to carry on with the adventure
or adapt the journey to fit in with the complications….

In a world that is very often chaotic its helps to seize the moment
live precariously and dream wildly….

Its ok to remember happy times that belong in the past
and smile fondly at memories, reliving… for just a moment
the joy of that day….
and its ok to be sad too with the memory of loved ones
who have passed away…
But sometimes memories take over all thought, and that’s ok too
for a little while… but don’t get lost in them…
because there is too much to live for in the now
so much love & so many reasons to celebrate….

New life fills the spaces left by the departed
continuing the thread of existence….
and new reasons to laugh are born when we put past pain
in the past…

its ok to take yourself for a walk along the beach, or through a park
a dog is good company but if you don’t have one just go anyway…

and its ok to write a greeting in the sand…who knows… the next person
to walk along may really need a friendly sign….

As we age our awareness seems to change, we see things in a new light…
it’s a just a matter of concept, clarity and perception…
we learn that simplicity is our strength …
and that friends come in all varieties, each with a different smile
but all show the same emotion and warmth… and if they don’t
are they really friends?

Its cool to hang at random places and chat
no shopping complexes or 30 minute lunch breaks
no chores…. just friends together…
and its ok to act like a fool with children, because too soon they will lose
that spontaneous inhibition…

Have you noticed how reflections really do reflect the real world?

I’ve noticed that sometimes the writing on the wall
can be confusing, so its ok to ask for help….
not all signs in life are easy to understand
and some make absolutely no sense at all….

When all is said & done each of us will have many different experiences
but there will also be many we share….life is not often easy my friends
I just wanted you to know…. I care….

Words and Image SharonleeGoodhand Imageweaver

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