The Clocks are All Insane

Created using Wombo Dream AI

The Clocks Are All Insane

The drifts of time reach wordlessly across the void

and the memories of our imagination embrace in forgotten dreams,

Amid the silence born at half past midnight

flickering lights

of harmony


wordlessly, soundlessly,

as poets of the soul speak in metaphors on the cold pages of life;

Created using Wombo Dream AI

So little do we know, when all is said and done, and yet

we never stop or stray… until the forgetting time has come –

– still do we remember that we have forgotten or merely enter another world within the memories of our imagination…

Is it a curse to recall the echoes of yesteryears but not remember

the date of the morrow… to hear long lost laughter mingle with the sorrow.

Created using Wombo Dream AI

The boobook cries at 11:11 … crickets sing in the rain

time flowing backwards because the clocks are all insane.


Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver 2021

Raindrops on Damp Ground

In a dripping rainforest
where mushrooms sleep
on cushions of moss
eons deep
where the melody of nature
is pure and sweet
and the water, untainted
from free-flowing crystal creeks:
-there is a world of wonder
I wish l could share with you
imbued with ancient resonance
of every earthy hue..

And it is here
I hear the whispers-
-echoes of ages past
and see the thrumming aura glow softly as I pass
Of all the energy of nature united in natural synergy…
I see spirits rising
through low mist that hugs the ground
and understand the message
that they share with me…
In my wanderings
I had stumbled
upon Mother Natures sacred ground
… and learnt that she had secrets
not intended to be found…
but I was allowed
to linger
in the untouched purity
of this spiritual glade
for just a few precious moments
was all the spirits gave…

Enough for me to feel
universal elements at play
and know
no human foot
had trodden there before that day
and as l stood in breathless wonder
of the beauty I had found
I left a token of my reverence
… tear drops on dampened ground.
Poetry and Art by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

Mountain Meditations

Mountain Meditations

I feel the mountains regular rhythm
breathing around me
healing this spirit
bruised by the demands of life
soothing this soul
that has for so long felt
feeding this mind, weary
of the weight
of humanity’s apathy…
the hills breathe for me…
breathe with me…
breathe inside of me…

I feel the mountains
earthy vibrations
I sense its concern
for a world caught up
in material glory
I hear wisdom whispers echoing
down the tree covered hillside
who listens to these mystic echoes
that share tales of elemental beginnings…
surely more than just I
listen with your souls!
See with spiritual eyes!
Don’t deny the honest healing
found in mountain meditations….

The mountains breathe for us all.

Poetry and Image Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver


Evolving Rhythms (Before these knees began to seize)

Before these knees began to seize
like un-oiled breaks
I use to walk for days
sleeping where ever I landed

fear was an unknown factor
each day moving to a different rhythm

I lived on windfall apples and creek water
not tied to an address on a bill or payslip

I could change my name in every town
and sometimes I did
but I never hid
from myself

I use to write poetry on pie bags
and litter I found in the street
stuffing them in a buff envelop that had a stamp
of a kangaroo in one corner…

I’d bath in rivers, or not at all

  • weave flowers in my hair
    people stopped and stared

I didn’t care

I fell in and out of love, without the angst and tears
and moved on
when I got bored….
for a month in the late 70’s
I wore the same flowered bellbottoms
without taking them off
and waded into a river to get ‘em clean

I didn’t know it then
but I was living the dream
my older self would look back on
after knees began to seize;
Poetry and AI Imagery SharonleeGoodhand Imageweaver ©

Qeotoquins from Qeotojingo

All Images Created by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver using DreamUp

The planet Qeotojingo, named so for the planet’s lush abundance of QeotoTrees, is a whimsical forest planet in a fairly large solar system with five other animal inhabited planets.
Qeotojingo is about 31.2 times bigger than Earth and its gravity is about 11.30 times that of Earth.

A single day lasts 49.00 hours and a year lasts 345 days. The planet is made up of 3 massive continents, and many small scattered islands.
4 moon(s) orbit the planet and Qeotojingo itself orbits a yellow sun in a fairly circular orbit.

The plant-like organisms on this planet are shrubs, Bioluminescent fungi and strange whimsical jungles unlike the jungles or rainforests of Earth. The plants come in various shapes and sizes, some reaching great heights, including towering fungi communities. While many share the same characteristics, some manage to stand out with different colors, scents, shapes and even textures.

This planet is home to many sentient creatures. Most creatures on Qeotojingo are known as Qeotoquins, although each bird, reptile and amphibian kingdoms have their own subspecies name and are quite sentient species, and are rather advanced in terms of  animal evolution. They live in what can only be described as small communities in town-like constructions. They may lack the intelligence humans have, but their ingenuity is still very surprising.

Many of the plant-like organisms on this planet are  various types of fungi. Many are small, much like you’d find on Earth. But others are towering high above the clouds, similar to trees on Earth.

Surviving is always high on the list of priorities of any organism, which includes reproducing. The organisms on this planet have taken this to a gorgeous next level. Almost all of them are bioluminescent, which means they glow in the dark. These lights will attract animals, who will spread the seeds and pollen one way or another. However, perhaps the most intriguing part is that each color or color combination is appealing to different groups of animals, creating an awesome, nighttime eating balance.
A few fungi species have the ability to send their spores into flight mode, meaning they will eject spores into the wind to be carried away to new areas.

Qeotojingo and its whimsical inhabitants live a mostly peaceful life based on balance and coexistence,  however should Humanoid explorers ever discover this idyllic planet and hope to take it over, they will find that the inhabitants of Qeotojingo, both animal and plant, capable of working together in very effective ways to protect themselves and their home.

Story and Art Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver 2023

Art created by Sharonlee Goodhand using #Imageweaver2023 #fantasy #aiart #stablediffusion #dreamup #dreamart #storybasedart

Created using creative techniques on  inspired by stories told by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver
#dreamup #dreamart #storybasedart #Imageweaver2023 #stablediffusion #fantasy
#dreamupai #aiart #aigenerated #aigenerated #synthography #digitalart #generativeart #aiartist #aiartistcommunity #aiartgenerator #generatedart #aiartgallery #aiartwork #aiartists #genart #stablediffusion

“All Art is Art… a scratch in the wall of cave, a doodle drawn on napkin, photography, photoshop, procreate,  ai, charcoal, watercolor,  oil …”

The Ephemeral Nature of Time

Within each of us is the capacity to Self-heal… 

… although the how of it may differ from person to person;

What may work well for one may not be as affective for another. 

Some require and crave divine silence for reflection and meditation… others may find in music and lyrics the clarity and wisdom they seek.

For some a close friend or group of like minded friends offer comfort and advice.

Although many find these things through journaling and writing down their soulthoughts.

Whether keeping busy or solitary communion with Nature is your method of self healing, know this- you are strong, stronger than you may feel and you have the power to heal your wounded soul.


Poetry and Art Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver 

Forest Dreams #Imageweaver2023 #fantasy #aiart #stablediffusion #dreamup #dreamart #storybasedart

Created using creative techniques on  inspired by stories told by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

dreamup #dreamart #storybasedart #Imageweaver2023 #stablediffusion #fantasy

She Dreams

She Dreams in Green and Blue

Brief summer breeze brushes over her heat-flushed faced
… she watches as the curtain flutters with momentary grace, before
drifting off… drifting off… into a heat- induced afternoon sleep… …

She dreams in shades of blue and green, rainforest hues and ocean blues
she dreams galaxies and stars, deep and cosmic and cool, falling
over the edge of the Universe.

Profound silence, undertones of growing greens and flowing blue, cosmic whales
cavorting in a sea of stars…
… on and on she dreams ephemeral
mystic parallels open up before her, she catches
of turtles gliding over rivers of constellations, as dolphins stream
through celestial dreams of blue and green….

Brief summer breeze brushes over heat-flushed skin
… the curtain flutters with the grace of a breath-less butterfly
as she drifts off into heat- induced afternoon dreams… … …

Poetry & Visual Art – Sharonlee Goodhand -Imageweaver


Image Creation Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver


She walks in soft undertones of quiet celebration
Motivated by devotion to The Earth Mother
Her footsteps leave no print in soil or forest
misting essence’s follow her path…
Her spirit is born of the earth
kin she is, to all creatures
To stone & crystal
to the natural forces of the elements
she carries her talismans, each one imbued
with resonate energy
a bird skull… polished driftwood… tooth of snake… shard of quatz
all aid her in of clarity of thought….

Her battered journal a treasure-trove
Of healing unguents and curative philters
Pockets lumpy with dried herb and amulets…
stronger is she in unity with Earthly vibrations
she burns the incense
brews the tea
lights a candle to focus her energy by
connecting with the Spiritual Earth
empowered by the honesty of inner peace and harmony…
… she is a silent hedgewitch
walking in soft undertones
of quiet celebration
Motivated by devotion
to The Earth Mother
Her footsteps leave no print
in soil or forest
her spirit merging with the world around her …


Poetry and Art SharonleeGoodhandImageweaver ©2022

It’s Ok

Image Creation- Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

We all start out small, and that’s ok, life is kinda long… it takes a bit of learning to get it right… part of that learning comes from the freedom to be a child while we still  are children… to believe, without doubt that we can climb to all heights…

Sometimes we just have to do things, to see if we can do them…
even if the task at hand is too big we won’t know unless we try
we may fail, but at least we tried…

Some things in life may shock us and that’s ok too, its healthy to understand all aspects of this world…
some days will be grumpy days… just because they are
and there will be days we hide behind a mask
to cover our true feelings, simply because it’s easier;
And some days will be a real pain, but that’s ok
those days all help us appreciate the good….

it’s a big world out there, too big to comprehend sometimes
it’s ok to feel a little daunted by it all…
the day will come when everything falls into place
and you’ll think to yourself oh wow
I get it now…

But before we can reach that point, we need to discover
who we are… and spend some time walking life’s pathways alone….
so we learn to understand our self first
and then walking with friends…
its ok to just hang around by yourself for a while;

There will be times when we just have to get our point across…
and times when silence is welcomed…
… and it’s a good practise to enjoy moments of sunshine…
as well as those times rain falls beyond the window…

Our path may take us to places not to our liking but its important
to experience these places… important to broaden our horizons….
as tranquil as our own window might be there really is a lot to see…
the diversity of this earth should be experienced….

now, life can get stressful, so its ok to feel the pressure
that often fills each day…. and say to hell with it all
I’ve had enough for one day…. and order pizza….

wild & crazy adventures make great memories
even if its only a day tip… and it’s probably wise to expect
breakdowns and delays, detours and obstacles….
but have the courage to carry on with the adventure
or adapt the journey to fit in with the complications….

In a world that is very often chaotic its helps to seize the moment
live precariously and dream wildly….

Its ok to remember happy times that belong in the past
and smile fondly at memories, reliving… for just a moment
the joy of that day….
and its ok to be sad too with the memory of loved ones
who have passed away…
But sometimes memories take over all thought, and that’s ok too
for a little while… but don’t get lost in them…
because there is too much to live for in the now
so much love & so many reasons to celebrate….

New life fills the spaces left by the departed
continuing the thread of existence….
and new reasons to laugh are born when we put past pain
in the past…

its ok to take yourself for a walk along the beach, or through a park
a dog is good company but if you don’t have one just go anyway…

and its ok to write a greeting in the sand…who knows… the next person
to walk along may really need a friendly sign….

As we age our awareness seems to change, we see things in a new light…
it’s a just a matter of concept, clarity and perception…
we learn that simplicity is our strength …
and that friends come in all varieties, each with a different smile
but all show the same emotion and warmth… and if they don’t
are they really friends?

Its cool to hang at random places and chat
no shopping complexes or 30 minute lunch breaks
no chores…. just friends together…
and its ok to act like a fool with children, because too soon they will lose
that spontaneous inhibition…

Have you noticed how reflections really do reflect the real world?

I’ve noticed that sometimes the writing on the wall
can be confusing, so its ok to ask for help….
not all signs in life are easy to understand
and some make absolutely no sense at all….

When all is said & done each of us will have many different experiences
but there will also be many we share….life is not often easy my friends
I just wanted you to know…. I care….

Words and Image SharonleeGoodhand Imageweaver

Art of Being

Image Created by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

Art of Being

Images created by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

The sun rises even when it’s raining
the moon still shines behind the clouds
Once upon a time I didn’t care where I was going
so long as I moved away from crowds…
‘Cos I can’t breathe in crowded places
I can’t hear the thoughts inside
I can’t breathe in crowded places
no matter how many times I’ve tried…

Image Created by Sharonlee Goodhand Imageweaver

Art of Being

There have been times pandemonium reigned
times so silent she heard her soul sigh
moments so random she was left bewildered-
– and brief snatches of clarity that erased all thought;
she has been lost and found and turned around
flown high with feet upon the ground…
… she landed, a little dizzy perhaps
but stronger then before;

Through it all she taught herself to practice stillness… not just practice it- perfect it
– she turned it into an art-form;

She learned how to breathe as Nature breathes
how to observe like the hawk and hide like the rabbit…
…  she taught herself to merge seamlessly
with her surroundings
she could pass by
so unobtrusively
no one would notice;
And often no one does;
When the full moon hangs, surreal in the sky
you can find her bathed in soft moonglow
incense, candle, crystal, she lets her spirit go…
…  drifting with the heady scent of jasmine
thoughts and prayers released –
– healing energies to the Earth,
and to all, she wishes peace.
Poetry and Art – SharonleeGoodhand©